Frequently Asked Questions: Understanding PCACAC Membership, Renewal, and Membership Forms
I started to complete the form and had to step away. Now it won't give me access. What should I do? Sometimes your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) remembers your last entry and won't let you access our online form again. Try clearing the cache on your browser or opening an incognito page (CTRL-SHFT-N in Chrome). If you still can't get in, call us at 434-989-7557 or email [email protected].
What if I forgot my USERNAME or PASSWORD? You can request your username and/or password from the login screen at
How can I change my password? To change your password: Login, click on My Profile (on the right), Click on the gray My Profile menu (on the left), and select Change Password. You will need to know your current password. If you cannot remember your password, click on the Login button on the top right of our home page and request your password from the link there. You should receive an email at the address listed in your profile.
How much is membership? Our annual membership fees are in the image below. Effective October 1, 2023, annual membership is $55 per individual. Institutional memberships are available, beginning at 4 members from the same institution.

When is the Membership Year? The official membership year begins October 1 and ends September 30. Membership is open enrollment, year-round. We do not prorate membership.
What payment methods do you accept? You may pay by credit card (preferred) or by check. When joining or renewing, an invoice or receipt is automatically sent to your email.
How do I know when my membership expires? To determine when your membership expires, login, click on My Profile, view your membership expiration date just below your username.
What is my Membership Type? PCACAC Bylaws categorize your membership type based on your institutional affiliation, the duties you perform and where you perform those duties (unless you are retired). One may be either a voting or a non-voting member. See Membership Types for more details.
If I change institutions, is my PCACAC membership transferable? Your membership is attached to a particular institution. If you leave an institution, a new hire may not assume your membership. If you move to another institution, please update your existing profile and email us.
Can I save money by joining in the middle of the year? PCACAC membership fee is not pro-rated. It is an annual fee.
Can I change information in my membership profile? With the exception of first and last names, you may change other information in your membership profile. To change profile information: Login, click on My Profile and edit. To change your name or email, please contact us.
I am trying to join as a new member and the computer indicates that I already have an account. What does this mean? It usually means that you have either an expired membership or that you may have previously used the same email to register for a PCACAC event. Please contact us if you have trouble joining.
Can another person apply for or renew membership on my behalf? Your profile will be linked to your email address. When you first join (or if someone does it for you), a password with be assigned to that email. You will need both the email address and password to access your new profile. Billing for your organization, however, will be linked to only one person within the organization. That is typically determined by the first "Linked Profile" entered during the application process. If someone from your organization was previously designated, they will receive an invoice each year for your membership renewal.
I have a question and want to talk to a human being, who do I contact? Email [email protected] or call 434-989-7557.